In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent
A ‘Cancel Netflix’ campaign is making rounds on the Internet. This comes after Netflix, the American technology and media services provider and production company which has been in operation since 1997 came under fire for ‘allegedly sexualising pre-teen children in a poster, promoting one of its content, the “Cuties”. Apparently, the “Cuties” is highly sexualized or so say its critics.
Netflix is flexible but non-compromising.
It’s flexible in giving in to pressures from different governments who demand it removes or blocks some content in its territories. Netflix has restricted contents to its subscribers in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Vietnam and other countries. Check the list here.
On the other hand, it is non-compromising when it comes to its core mission. That’s to provide entertainment and advocate a lifestyle culture among its audience.
It was, therefore, not surprising, when Netflix agreed to block Hasan Minhaj’s show, that was critical of MBS, within the Saudi geo-location. That was in exchange for Netflix streaming all of its other content to the Saudi audience; contents which are obviously not suitable for a conservative and religious audience.
You Can’t Cancel Netflix… Can You?
Netflix is a just name of a platform that brings together the various visual content, that project immoral acts, shamelessness, indecency, and inhumanity. Contents of such nature are not exclusive to Netflix. They are accessible on other platforms outside Netflix.
If this is the case, then I wonder how one can cancel Netflix when he can’t control himself against the type of content Netflix provides.
If the title of this article implies anything, it’s only meant to challenge anyone who is concerned about the holistic wellbeing and the moral values he instils in his children at home and in the society. It’s meant to challenge anyone who hopes and works to see the family institution remain sacred.
It’s Netflix and its allies that pollute the content our children and the next generation are exposed or going to be exposed to.
If the title has brought you to this point, then pause and (1) think, (2) reflect and (3) decide whether Netflix and its sisters are really for you to waste your money on, let alone your life (time), in the name of entertainment.
The Reasons You Can’t Cancel Netflix
Following are 7 reasons why you will not cancel your Netflix subscription. The relevance of one of the seven reasons is enough to keep you hooked up with Netflix.
Find a way nullify that reason(s), where applicable, in your life, and you’ll easily have the courage to let go of Netflix and its likes.
#1: If You Prefer Entertainment Over Morality, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
The core objective of our existence in this life is to fulfil a divine mission. That’s to worship the One and Only God, the Creator of all that’s in existence.
While we are allowed to have some entertainment from time to time to release our stress, one should subject any form of our entertainment to the guidelines provided by the faith he’s subscribed to. In this case, the Muslim should observe Islam’s guidelines pertaining to his entertainment of choice.
When an act, and for that matter, a form of entertainment contradicts with a divine guideline, the act or form of entertainment become evil by default. The Devil’s sole mission is to distract you from achieving the divine mission, for which you’re on this earth. Thus, he’s determined to engage you, with all sorts of entertainment, as long as you it’ll keep you away from fulfilling your mission in life.
And the easiest way to get you hooked up with any form of entertainment is to sexualize a situation, a person (character) or a product (movies, dramas and whatnot). Unfortunately, women are used to sexualize everything under the sun. Now, it’s time for them to use children. They’ve been doing so anyway, but it’s getting public now.
Therefore, for someone, who falls for any form of entertainment without parameters, boundaries and checklists, that will mean his moral values have less priority to him, and thus, it can’t determine or guide how he entertains himself.
When this happens, he can’t see anything wrong with Netflix and the likes of Netflix.
#2: If You Have Being Subscribed All This While, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
The reason for the recent noise against Netflix has been their casting of the “Cuties”, which sexualizes children. What a joke!
Sexualizing children is a major sin. Even if governments were to legalize them. Just like they are competing against one another to legalizing the LGBTQ agendas.
In other words, while sexualising children is sinful, normalising all sorts of immoralities and inhumanities are equally sinful. What makes sexualizing children a crime and sexualizing adults legal or acceptable?!
Some of the content on Netflix plainly encourage suicide. Netflix is all about ‘lifestyle’ which is another way of saying LGBTQ. Netflix content is full of Sex-centred videos. All that, we’ve been silently entertained.
#3: If You Are Easily Hooked Up by Trend, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
Some people seek pleasure in blindly following every trend that comes their way. Regardless of what the trend may be about. Netflix is a good platform for projecting meaningless trends. Simply because they purposely create these trends.
For it to be a trend, it must be crazy and inhuman, and they will nicely refer to it as ‘cool.’ Just like they refer to the sexualised kids as the “cuties”.
#4: If You’re Obsessed with Everything Lifestyle, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
Netflix explicitly declares that it’s all about lifestyle. And when they say ‘lifestyle’, they are conveniently referring to your choice to live like a human or live like any animal. More so when it goes against social norms and religious approval.
How can someone obsessed with ‘lifestyle’ conveniently cancel his subscription to a platform, the primary objective of which is lifestyle? Well, that’s possible. But difficult.
#5: If You‘re OK with Pornography, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
Yes, you read that right. I didn’t say if you’re addicted. But rather if you’re ok. Meaning, if one occasionally watches pornography, then he can’t cancel Netflix.
Well, in the definition of many who are calling for ‘cancel Netflix, the “Cuties” is not porn. But to porn viewers and more so porn addicts, there’s nothing wrong with the “Cuties”.
Moreover, Netflix may not explicitly have porn content, but the sex-centered content available on the platform speaks volume. Netflix subscribers know this better. Better than I do.
#6: If You Are OK with Child Labour, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
The elites in the hypocritical world we live in today are quick to condemn child labour. To them, child labour is when a child works and earn some money to support his poor family or care for his ailing parent(s).
To them, an underage child who, instead of going to school, rather spends his childhood in Hollywood studios, in front of the cinema cameras of the movie industry or who becomes an influencer, is not perceived as an object of child labour.
Why? Because we can comfortably close our eyes and pretend anything when we’re entertained.
The truth is, while we, the consumers pretend we’re sleeping or haven’t seen, the masterminds behind this are objective and not pretentious. They know what they are doing.
#7: If you Give in Easily to Peer Pressure, You Can’t Cancel Netflix
Some people decide to do or not to do only after others have decided. Such type of people is easy preys for peer-pressure.
For someone (obviously not me) who’s been subscribed to Netflix all this while, one knows and should admit about the serious damaging contents, available on the platform, as far as morality and spirituality are concerned. You may follow the trend of peer pressure and go ahead to commit to ‘cancel Netflix', only to make a U-turn, if another wave of peer-pressure blows, calling or encouraging people to subscribe to Netflix.
Netflix is here to Stay… But You Are Here to Go
Anyone who is subscribed to Netflix or has watched its contents will tell you, that no content is innocent on Netflix. Not even documentaries are clean. You know why? Because Netflix has a mission. It has an agenda. And it’s good at working towards achieving its mission. It’s good at pushing its agenda.
And its mission is to pave the ways of the Devil and lighten them for you to follow. Its agenda is to walk you through the footsteps of the Devil by holding your hands from your bedroom to the destination led by the ways of the Devil.
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ لَا تَتَّبِعُوا۟ خُطُوَٰتِ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنِ ۚ وَمَن يَتَّبِعْ خُطُوَٰتِ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنِ فَإِنَّهُۥ يَأْمُرُ بِٱلْفَحْشَآءِ وَٱلْمُنكَرِ ۚ وَلَوْلَا فَضْلُ ٱللَّـهِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَتُهُۥ مَا زَكَىٰ مِنكُم مِّنْ أَحَدٍ أَبَدًا وَلَـٰكِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ يُزَكِّى مَن يَشَآءُ ۗ وَٱللَّـهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ ﴿٢١﴾ـ
“O you who believe, do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, and whoever follows in the footsteps of Satan should know that he enjoins only indecency and evil. But for the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, not one of you would ever be purified; but Allah purifies whom He pleases. Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing” (Surah al-Nūr, 24:21).
Has there been no backlash on Netflix, which caused many subscribers to cancel their Netflix accounts, they would continue to be on the platform. The irony is when we cancel just to subscribe to an alternative platform with the same content under a different name(s) and title(s).
It’s a matter of time, and the very reason the world is boycotting Netflix would be normalised. It’s a matter of time, and the people campaigning for ‘Cancel Netflix’ will be championing the cause of freedom of child sexualization.
Not long ago, the thought of gays and lesbians make you sick. And hearing about or seeing them make you vomit. Today, the scene of these people has been normalized to us in many ways. To point that repeating what you’ve just read in this paragraph renders you to all sorts of accusations. We no longer have the courage to stand in front of evildoers.
It’s a matter of time, and condemning paedophilia would get you into trouble. Mark my words.
Now, Go Ahead… Cancel Netflix
As a Muslim parent, who is concerned about the holistic wellbeing of his children, more so daughters, you can’t mirror your home in the form of movies to the outside world. But the outside world has all means to crawl and creep into your living room, your bedroom and your bathroom.
As a Muslim parent, who in addition to his duty as God’s vicegerent on this earth, is accountable to whatever he has willingly subjected his household to, you can’t change the world outside there, but you can create the world inside there.
The good news is, as much as they can, you also have the willpower, and means to create the necessary barrier between them and your home. As long as you continue to seek His assistance.
If you’re not subscribed to Netflix nor it’s alternatives, then you’re safe, for now (hopefully forever). But if you’re subscribed to Netflix, then it’s time to challenge yourself.
Go ahead and cancel your Netflix subscription. And then move on take the boldest step and make the most crucial decision. That is: promise yourself and God to cancel your subscriptions to all the immoral contents on the Internet, as much as you can. Doing this is for one’s own good, and for the good of his children.
Don’t forget to recite your “so help me God!”
Allah knows best.
Allahu Hafiz
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