When Can the Muslim Wish Christians Merry Christmas

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent.

Introduction and Background

Alhamdulillah… infinite praise and thanks are due to the Almighty Allah. Complete peace and blessings be upon our beloved, Sayyidunā Muhammad, his household, his companions, and all those who follow his guided path.

This article is a discussion on yet another recycled debate that repeats itself every other year. Similar to the debates surrounding the celebrations of Maulid and recently Muslims participating in Halloween. Probably, also similar to the debate that arises whenever a non-Muslim “influential” figure dies. Today’s discussion is about when a Muslim can (if at all) wish Merry Christmas to his Christian relatives, friends, and neighbours upon the arrival of the Christmas season.

It’s important to emphasise here, that this topic and the discussion of it are based on religious inputs. So kindly read it with your religious lenses. Thus, it’s not to make politically correct assertions whatsoever. Its only objective is to attain Allah’s Pleasure. So, only continue reading if you’re looking for the opinion that is likely to keep you close to Allah’s Pleasure, regardless.

This is understood and can be easily digested when the Muslim realizes that every single action in his life should be related to Allah, who created him for a noble purpose.

قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ * لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَبِذَٰلِكَ أُمِرْتُ وَأَنَا أَوَّلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

“Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my rituals, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds. No partner has He. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first [among you] of the Muslims” [Sūrah Al-An’ām, 6:162-163].

In light of the above, this discussion will flow according to the following subtopics:


Mohammed Salah and Christmas

Mo Salah – Used to be seen always with Qur'an

When Mohamed Salah first came to the spotlight, he used to carry a copy of the Qur’an with him almost everywhere. At that time, there was no history of him celebrating Christmas. However, today, Mohamed Salah has emerged as one of the most iconic figures who identify as Muslim, and celebrates Christmas. What has happened? Allah knows.

The question that one can rightly ask is, is he celebrating Christmas to celebrate the birth of a given Prophet, as Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah does? Or does he celebrate it to celebrate the birth of the Lord (the son of the Lord)?

As far as I know, even if we disagree on the permissibility of celebrating the birthday of The Prophet Muhammad, ṣallā Allāhu ’alayhi wa sallam, we don’t see Mohammad Salah celebrating it (The Prophet Muhammad’s birthday) or posting photos of himself and his family doing so. Yes, the last I checked he tweeted to wish Muslims Happy Maulid for the year 2021.

Even though he’s used as a tool to occupy and engage Muslims with entertainment, the effect and impact of the likes of Mohamed Salah can’t be ignored or denied. How many Muslims started identifying themselves as Mo instead of Muhammad since Mohamed Salah emerged as Mo Salah?

This goes without highlighting how his wife went from a truly modest full-hijabi to hijabless at the time of writing this article.


Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah’s Version of Christmas

Shaykh Ali Jumu'ah – Former Mufti of Egypt

A few years ago, Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah said in a lecture, that he celebrates merry Christmas to celebrate the birth of a Prophet of Allah, the same way he celebrates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ṣallā Allāhu ’alayhi wa sallam.

Regardless, of whether we agree or disagree on the permissibility of celebrating Maulid, it’s needless to indicate that he had to “beat around the bush” before reaching to that conclusion.

The thing is, Christians who innovated Christmas in their own religion, obviously without the knowledge, let alone the consent of Jesus himself, don’t regard Jesus as a prophet. They regard him as the son of God, Therefore, their celebration of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of a Lord (the son of the Lord). But here we are, having a Shaykh who takes clues from them to create another celebration and promote it for Muslims.

Ironically, if we pretend to agree with the argument put forth by Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah, one can only wonder why doesn’t Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah and those who subscribe to his argument celebrate the birthdays of other known Prophets of Allah. Does he celebrate the birthday of Sayyidunā Nūh, Ibrahim, Mūsā, Yaḥyā, Idrīs, Yūsuf?


The Latest Fatwa on Wishing Christians Merry Christmas

Mohamed Salah and Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah have gone beyond the debate of wishing merry Christmas to Christians during the Christmas season. However, the discussion on the permissibility or impermissibility of wishing merry Christmas to Christians remains relevant and widely discussed.

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Issa – Head of the Muslim World League

To make a final verdict on that, the head of the Muslim World League Shaykh Muhammad al-Issa, made a statement in an interview regarding the subject matter. That statement has been making rounds on the Internet and has been heavily widely spread by the media wing of the Abrahamic accord agenda. He said that “there’s no clear legislation in the Qur’an that prohibits wishing Christians merry Christmas.”

Is he right? Is he wrong? Islamic scholars of the guided predecessors of the Ummah have unanimously prohibited Muslims from wishing Merry Christmas to Christians. Muhammad al-Issa and his likes are up to undermining that fatwa by all means.

Don’t you find it strange, that he only referred to the Qur’an, and ignored the Sunnah in making that assertion? In other words, since there’s no clear legislation in the Qur’an that prohibits wishing Christians Merry Christmas, is there no instances from the life and teachings of the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam that detests any form of endorsing other religions, especially that, which claims a son for Allah?

The Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam has on numerous occasions warned the Ummah against imitating and emulating the practices of the Jews and Christians. He also advised us to do the contrary of what they do.

Shaykh Muhammad al-Issa further went on to argue, that, why would Islam prohibit us from wishing Christians Merry Christmas when Islam itself has permitted us to marry their women? It looks like he has forgotten that the same Islam that permits Muslim men to marry Christian women, also, at the same time prohibits Muslim women from marrying Christian men.

Then again, following that same line of the argument he presents, one can say there’s no clear legislation in the Qur’an that prohibits same-sex marriage. Probably the Abrahamic accord has no problem with same-sex marriage.

Again, as long as we choose to beat around the bush, everything is justifiable. Even Iblis justified his refusal to prostrate for Adam.


What’s the Actual Fatwa Regarding Wishing non-Muslims for the Celebrations

There’s a difference between celebrations that are religious in nature, and celebrations and occasions that are social in nature. Religious celebrations include Eidul-Fitr and Eidul-Adha for Muslims, Christmas and Easter for Christians, Yamim Tovim for Jews, Wesak for Buddhists and Diwali for Hindus.

Social celebrations and events include marriage, baby naming, attaining success, graduation in college, recovery from sickness, death, and what have you.

When a celebration or event is social in nature, the Muslim is allowed to congratulate and wish well his non-Muslim relatives, friends and neighbours or extend them condolence where applicable. This is not only applicable to Jews and Christians (Ahl al-Kitāb), but to every non-Muslim. However, when the celebration or event is religious in nature, the Muslim is only allowed to recognize and wish well for that which Islam approves; Eidul-Fitr and Eidul-Adha.


What Should The Muslim Do?

It’s important for the Muslim to always remember, that the journey back to Allah is not smooth sailing. It has never been. And will never be. Yes, the path is straight. But there are obstacles along it. Besides being attractive, these obstructions can be powerful as well.

To avoid being dragged by those attractions, learn your religion from those who will teach you the quality that is known as al-wara‘ (الوَرَع). And also seek role modelling from only those who live for a higher purpose.

Al-Wara‘ is to leave and avoid something that is arguably permissible, so as not to fall in impermissible. When one is conscious about al-wara‘, he is more likely to be saved from falling in haram. However, when he conveniently subscribes to “compassionate imams”, then he should be ready to fall in and consume more haram than the ordinary Muslim would.

In addition to that, constantly pray for firmness from Allah. One of which you find in the Du‘a’ series.

يَا مُقَلِّبَ القُلُوبِ، ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِـي عَلَى دِينِكَ.ـ

“O Allah, the Controller of the hearts, make my heart firm to your religion.”

In the end, the teachings of Islam are clear. And Muslims can’t be misled against those clear teachings without beating around the bush.

But hold on!

How do we live in harmony with our Christian relatives, friends, and neighbours when we can’t wish them Merry Christmas?


Living in Harmony with non-Muslims

When we discuss and highlight impermissibility for the Muslim to wish merry Christmas to Christians, let alone to participate in celebrating it, some jump to the point of accusing you of creating social division, and that we show disrespect for our non-Muslim relatives, friends, and neighbours.

The truth is, that dealing with our non-Muslim relatives, friends and neighbours with respect has nothing to do with not wishing them Merry Christmas, especially if they are aware of our religion’s stance on their beliefs.

Festivities are more religious than not. All cultural festivals have religious (spiritual) roots and elements in them. If a festival is religious, then the Muslim can’t participate in it, or wish well for it. Instead, the Muslim should seize that opportunity to remind and teach about Islam.

What is the benefit of having respect for someone when you don’t love for him what you love for yourself? We are Muslims because we want to go the Heaven. Aren’t we? The heaven which Allah has told us that He has only prepared it for those who believe in Him, submit to His religion and carry out righteous deeds as defined and taught by Islam. Isn’t it?

How much respect and love do you have for your non-Muslim relative, friend, and neighbour when you can’t invite him to Jannah with you?

Every Muslim has the responsibility to inform and educate his non-Muslim relatives, friends and neighbours about Islam. If you find that to be troublesome and problematic, then imagine the non-Muslim relative, friend, or neighbour of yours coming to the Hereafter as a non-Muslim. And then he pleads to Allah and mentions your name for failing to teach him or make him aware about Islam. Are you ready for that moment?


What if My Christian Friend or Neighbour Wishes Me Merry Christmas

It’s not a secret that not all Christians recognise Christmas. In other words, some Christians don’t celebrate Christmas, and hence, they don’t wish their own fellow Christians Merry Christmas.

However, if a Christian who celebrates Christmas wishes you Merry Christmas, there’re many ways to respond without wishing him back Merry Christmas.

As a Muslim who is clear and doesn’t want to wish anyone Merry Christmas, if a Christian who celebrates Merry Christmas wishes you, one can respond with “happy holidays.” After all, it’s the holidays season for everyone, in many parts of the world.

But what if the one who wishes you Merry Christmas is himself not a Christian, but rather a Jew, a Buddhist or a Hindu.? To be honest, I wonder why would a Jew, a Buddhist or a Hindu wish a Muslim Merry Christmas.



Take a moment and reflect upon all the ones you know who do wish Christians Merry Christmas or participate in celebrating it. You’ll realize that they likely celebrate Maulid. Once they celebrate Maulid, you can rest assured they celebrate birthdays.

As I said in my Halloween video, as long as we give in to one innovative celebration, even in the name of Islam, then it’s a matter of time, before we join in celebrating other innovative celebrations too. When Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah rationalizes celebrating Christmas with celebrating Maulid, he wants you to forget that Maulid took a queue from Christmas.

If our generation normalizes Christmas and birthdays, then the next generation will have easy justifications to participate in Halloween (which’s already taking place), valentines, Wesak and Diwali.

I hope I have documented in this article my understanding pertaining to the ruling of wishing Merry Christmas to Christians, with which I hope to meet Allah, on the day neither money nor offspring benefits but meeting Him with a sound heart. May Allah grant us what it takes to remain steadfast in our religion without compromises.

Allah knows best.
Allahu Hafiz 🙂


3 Comments on "When Can the Muslim Wish Christians Merry Christmas"

  1. Segida Ahmed Ali | 31/12/2022 at 10:27 | Reply

    We noticed that Mohammed Salah started celebrating marry Christmas in 2018, so I ask one Egyptian guy in the United arab emirate who has a passion for football why Salah did that, and he said to me, Salah did that because he wanted more votes to win the balloon d’Or. It’s so sad

  2. I was actually expecting a subtopic on acceptance of Christmas present. Khairan ‘alaa kulli Haal.
    Interesting read.

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