Muslims Outraged by Paris Olympics Anti-Christian Mockery – Wrongly So?

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent

Alhamdulillah… Infinite thanks and praise are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Complete greetings of blessings and peace be upon Prophet Jesus, and upon all the chosen Prophets of Allah. And special greetings of blessings and peace be upon the master of mankind, the final Messenger, Sayyiduna Muhammad, his household, his companions, and all those who follow his guided path to the end of time.


Many of us woke up on the morning of Saturday 27 July 2024 to the news of Muslims and Christians worldwide outraged. Apparently, the outrage came from their watching the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, which exhibited an anti-Christian mockery replicating the last supper of Jesus Christ, Allah’s peace be upon him. As usual, a mockery of this nature was carried out to promote Qawm Lut. Sadly, this time it was done in the most disgusting way it can be.

Contrary to the reactions that only Muslims show when a mockery is meted at Islam or the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims also express their unhappiness when Jesus, or any other Prophet for that matter, is mocked. In fact, sometimes, Muslims take the mockery of Jesus more seriously than some Christians do.

How Does This Article Fit in?

This article is my take on the whole brouhaha and how some Muslims reacted to the offensive display of the lowest level humans have reached so far. A display that undoubtedly deserves strong condemnation.

If you’ve read this article thus far, then I assume you will read to the end, insha Allah. Therefore, I encourage you to read it to understand and reflect. Please don’t read to reply or argue. You’re welcome to comment with thoughts though.

I’m responsible before Allah, in this life and the next, for writing this. You too are responsible before Allah, in this life and the next, for how you react to it.

With that, you and I agree to be honest to ourselves and seek Allah’s Pleasure, regardless of the angle we each stand to look at things.

No Religion Should Be Mocked

Now, let’s agree on something. That is, a mockery of any religion should be condemned, and when possible, the offenders should be punished. Even the most ridiculous and non-sensible religion should be treated with respect, and not be mocked at.

While Islam teaches us to accept and submit to the One God, who created us and everything in existence, it also teaches us to refrain from mocking other religions and their adherents, even if they are idolators.

That said, I’m still wondering; why are Muslim outraged?

Why Are Muslims Outraged?

That’s right. I’m still wondering; why are Muslims outraged by the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony that showed a performance by Qawm Lut, mocking  Christianity.

For argument’s sake, let’s pretend, that the mockery of the Last Supper didn’t take place at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony at all. As Muslims, would we be satisfied with the Olympics at all?

Alright, the spokesperson of the organizing committee of the 2024 Paris Olympics games, Anne Descamps has apologised on behalf of the committee. She apologised for hurting the feelings of Christians and other religious groups. Are we happy now?

Are we happy and comfortable to gather with our family members sitting in front of TVs watching it?

I mean, can we allow ourselves to sit in front of TVs with our wives, sons and daughters to watch young boys and girls performing naked? Just because we’re told they’re performing sports? Does one have to strip off his clothes to play sports?

I’m sure you know, that when we say, ‘naked/nakedness’ it is as per the definition of Islam. Islam has a proper definition of modesty for us. And the Muslim should abide by it at all times. Even if he’s swimming.

None of us would want to appear in public the way some athletes dress and play at the Olympics and other tournaments. Truth be told, many Muslims who dress immodestly were inspired by what they adopted from the scenes of the Olympics and other sports competitions.

Imagine It’s the Prophet’s Time

If this Olympics or any other was organised during the Prophet’s time, would he watch it, endorse it or allow Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali. Aishah, Ummu Salmah, Fatimah and the other noble companions to attend it or go watch it on TV?

“But come on brother! The Prophet is not here,” some may say.

Yes, the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam is not here, and so is Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Abu Ubaydah, Ubay, Abu Musa, Ibn Mas’ud, Aishah, Fatimah, Hafsah, Rumaysa’, Zinnīrah and the others. None of them is here. But they are our role models. Aren’t they?

I’m sure you’ll agree with me, that every era has its Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Abu Ubaydah, Ubay, Abu Musa, Ibn Mas’ud, Aishah, Fatimah, Hafsah, Rumaysa’, Zinnīrah and the likes of the many of the noble companions of the Prophet. However, as Muslims, we are certain that the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam would never approve anything like the Olympics at his time. That’s why the Olympics is not for us, just as it wouldn’t have been from them.

So, let’s be the Abu Bakr or the ‘Aishah of our time.

Be the Abu Bakr or ‘Aishah of Your Time

The Prophet Muhammad being our ultimate role model is a religious common sense in Islam. And none can be Muhammad, as there won’t be any Messenger after him. Thus, there’s only one Muhammad. The one at his time until end of time.

However, the Ummah has a different Abu Bakr in every other time. And so does it (the Ummah) have Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Abu Ubaydah, Ubay, Abu Musa, Ibn Mas’ud, Aishah, Fatimah, Hafsah, Rumaysa’, Zinnīrah and likes of the other companions of the Prophet.

These people, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Abu Ubaydah, Ubay, Abu Musa, Ibn Mas’ud. Aishah, Fatimah, Rumaysa’, Zinnīrah and their likes won’t waste their time on events like the Olympics. And I’m sure, that any Muslim who is aspired to be like them won’t either taint his eyes, nor pollute his heart with the Olympics.

Here, I must add, that the same way there was Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl, Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, and leaders of infidelity and immorality during the Prophet’s time, there are Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl, Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, and leaders of infidelity and immorality every other time. And these are the ones who organize events like the Olympics.

In 2024, as Muslims, each of us is ought to be the Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Abu Ubaydah, Ubay, Abu Musa, Ibn Mas’ud. Aishah, Fatimah, Rumaysa’, Zinnīrah, of this time. As Muslims, the last thing we will ever want to fall into becoming is to be the Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl, Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, and leaders of infidelity and immorality of our time, or be their followers and fans. May Allah forbid.

Let’s Talk About the Painting Itself

Another thing we need to talk about is Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper, which depicts Jesus, Allah’s peace be upon him and his disciples.

We all know that the depiction doesn’t reflect Jesus in any way. Jesus, Allah’s peace be upon him never looked like that. Unfortunately, the painting has emerged to be universally accepted by Christians. Christians have adopted it to be an accepted depiction of Jesus (who in reality is a Messenger of God, and not a God himself in any way).

Had this or any depiction been of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims have rejected it from the beginning. And that would have prevented it from falling in the hands of mockers. After all, Islam prohibits painting, drawing or designing forms that represent living creatures. 

Moreover, whether Muslim or Christian, can’t you see that Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Last Supper in itself is offensive and outrageous? Did the disciples of Jesus mingle around him, males and females, the way it’s depicted in the painting? This is what should have been outrageous to us from the beginning, not the mockery of it, carried out by senseless movements, who are after their lust and lack the least level of morality.

No Reason to Be Outraged

Once we develop this realization, we’ll come to the terms, that we have no reason to be outraged by whatever and however the organisers of the Olympics choose to celebrate it. In other words, we’re outraged because we attended it or watched it.

Will you be outraged, if a family of Anti-Christians mock Jesus or any noble Prophet in their private ceremony? Or in their private conversation? A ceremony or conversation you never attended or watched? A conversation you never heard? You can’t be outraged by simply assuming, can you?

The truth is, whether we like it or not, the worst of the Olympics ceremony is yet to be performed. Whoever lives longer shall see it (if they watch) or hear about it.


The spokesperson of the organizing committee of the 2024 Paris Olympics games, Anne Descamps has apologised on behalf of the committee. However, she believes that “the ambition” behind the mockery was achieved. These are here exact words, “We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence we are really sorry.” The ambition is to ”celebrate community tolerance.”

If anything, this tells us it was intended to cause outrage, with a planned apology afterwards. That’s how they continue to fool us, we the outraged.

By Allah, the happy among us is anyone who has access to the Internet, yet he or she develops the willpower to free himself from wasting his precious life watching the Olympics games or similar events.

As for me, I’m not outraged. Not because, I’m insensitive towards religious mockery. It’s rather because I’m not bothered about the Olympics. And that’s not because I don’t have the taste or appreciation for sports and entertainment. It’s rather because it will affect my prayers, which I have been forever struggling to focus in. It will stain my heart which already carries enough stains and rusts. And it will add more weight to my baggage, which is full of sins. Sins which is already breaking my back, while on the journey back to Allah.

If you’ve chosen to follow the Olympics, you have no reason to be outraged. It should be known, that in the first place, international tournaments and Olympics are organised to keep you busy from what’s more worthwhile for you in this life and the hereafter. And what’s applicable to the Olympics is certainly applicable to the FIFA World Cup, it applies to the various football tournaments and leagues.

The next Olympic ceremonies will be more outrageous.

Life is too short to be wasted.

Until the next, see you… and see you in Jannah.

Allahu Hafiz

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