Q&A: Illegitimate Child Leading in Salah




Can an illegitimate child lead in prayer as an Imam?


There’s no evidence in Islam, that an illegitimate child cannot be an Imam for Salah. This is to say, an illegitimate child can, just like any eligible Muslim male, lead in prayers an an Imam. This is provided he possesses piety, reads Qur’an well, and knows the rules of Salah.

Lastly, I find it necessary to indicate; that a child does not bear responsibility of the wrongdoings of his parents. Therefore, he would/should only be judged for what he has committed.

Allah knows best

1 Comment on "Q&A: Illegitimate Child Leading in Salah"

  1. akram sharif | 17/10/2013 at 13:12 | Reply

    when there is no hadis of leading/perform a child prayer why we should allows children for leading prayer when elderly person can lead the prayer, hadis says only well qualified ,one who knows what is sunnah, one who is well grounded , one who is elder among them only can lead the prayer where is the question of leading a child prayer arises, please clarify me as per sahi bokhari/muslim/thirmadi (a child can lead the prayer) ykank you

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