Translated: Some Du’as of the Prophet

Alhamdulillah… May His Peace and Blessings be upon the best human who ever invoked Allah…

After posting my last post “Some Dua’s of Rasulullah for You, in and after Ramadan,” a beloved brother, The Great Sufi, Mr Sarifudin Sapari requested for a translated version. Upon his request, this post comes with the translated version of the du’as. May we be among those servants of Allah, who always turn to Him SWT, in their good and bad situations.. Ameen

Please click either of the links below to download your desired version:

Arabic Version (Without translation):- Some_Dua’s_Of_The_Prophet

Translated Version (Comes together with the Arabic version):-Some_Dua’s_Of_The_Prophet_Translated

Finally, I would like to say a big “Thank You” to my Pak Cik, Mr Esmadi Jamari for editing my translation. :)

May you be in Allah’s protection and preservation… Ameen

Allah Hafiz :)


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