- Introduction
- Who is God?
- Why Did God Create Us?
- The Relationship Between Us and God
- Does God Need Our Consent?
- Conclusion
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent
Alhamdulillah… infinite thanks and praise are due to the Almighty God, the Creator, the Master, the One and Only. Complete peace and salutations are upon His chosen final Messenger to the world, Sayyiduna Muhammad, his household, his companions, and all those who follow his guided path.
This article elaborates and supplements episode #2 of “A Moment Please!”.
Please spare 3 minutes to watch the video below (if you haven’t done so yet) before diving in the article.
The article puts together an easy understanding of God. It then answers that famous question, “why did God create us without our consent?” It goes on to highlight the holistic understanding of the relationship between God and us. The article then concludes with an explanation of why God needs no consent, neither from us nor from any of His creatures before He executes His will.
If you haven’t taken your coffee yet, let's pause, go make two cups, one for you, and the other for me (of course ), and come back right here for the reading to begin.
Before we start arguing on why God created us, with or without our consent, let's sit back and digest who God is, first? So, who is God?
Who is God?
It’s fascinating how in real life, you come across two parties arguing, debating, quarrelling, and sometimes, fighting on a subject. However, when you seek clarification from both parties, you find out that they disagree on something, but argue and debate on something else. That means, they don’t have a common ground for the discussion. What a waste of energy and time, then. Isn’t it?
To avoid scenarios of such nature, before we discuss topics about God, we must, first learn, and then agree on who God is. For all you, someone’s god is a cow in the backyard of his mansion. Another one’s god is a statue made from clay and cement, used to decorate the dressing mirror of his Mrs. A third one’s god was a human born and has died human.
Since we’ve reached this point, let’s agree, that when we mention God, we are talking about the One and Only. The One who none is like Him. The who is the Creator of all that’s in existence. The One who everyone needs Him, but He needs none of His creatures. The One who can do anything; anything that your mind can imagine, and that which your mind will never be able to imagine.
Now that we are clear about the God we are talking about, our questions about Him become measured. Our thoughts about Him become exceptional. And our reaction to His commands become wholehearted.
None knew about Him until He revealed information about Himself. In my article, Determining The Path To God, I have outlined a helpful number of verses in which God tells us about Himself. You can’t afford to miss giving that a read. Click here to read it.
Now, back to why we’re here; why did God create us?
Why Did God Create Us?
As we agreed upon in the AMPlease! video above, God has already told us why He created us. He has told us that the only reason He created us is to worship Him alone, To worship Him alone without ascribing partners of any form to Him subḥānahū wa ta’ālā.
Really? Yes, that is right. In verse 56 of Surah al-Dhāriyāt, He says:
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
“I did not create jinnkind and mankind except for them to worship Me”.
It is for this reason, and to remind us of our purpose on in this part of life on the earth, that God chose some fellow humans and sent them to us as His Prophets and Messengers, over the period from the start of creation to the time of The Prophet Muhammad, ṣallā Allāhu ’alayhi wa sallam.
A story of any of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an will usually indicate the fact that, the first thing he told his people was to “worship God alone and not to ascribe any partners to Him.”
Imagine with me, you ask me my friend’s name, and I tell you “his name is Ahmad.” But you doubt that my friend’s name is Ahmad. What does that mean? It’s either I’m lying (hiding something from you), or you just don’t trust yourself. And the truth is, when a person has problem of trust [read: inferiority complex], he hardly trusts anyone, not even the closest people to him.
The same thing applies to how we react to the answer given by God on why He created us.
If the answer, which is given by Him Himself does not satisfy our curiosity, it means we’re not prepared yet to accept the truth. In other words, it means, we’re not humbling ourselves enough before Him, the Ultimate Master, subḥānahū wa ta’ālā. This –not humbling ourselves enough before Him– may happen when we read to find fault, to criticise or to reject. However, if we read, watch, or listen to learn and find the truth, the moment the truth is presented, we don’t take time to find ways to rebut or deny it.
This takes us to the need to understand the relationship between us and God.
The Relationship Between Us and God
Whether we’ve humbled ourselves enough before God or not, we must agree that He is the Creator. Until anyone unlikely proves otherwise, He is the Creator. Until anyone unlikely proves otherwise, He’s One and Only. Until anyone unlikely proves otherwise, He’s the All-Knowing, the All-Able. Until anyone unlikely proves otherwise, He is the First and the Last. He’s the Obvious and the Hidden. He is the Master and the Owner of the Day of Judgement. On the mention of the Day of Judgment, I think the following video will interest you…
If you have maintained your ‘cool’ and bore with me to this point, I’m, then sure that we’re now on the same page. Aren’t we? Yes, we are
Now that, we’re on the same page, we admit, wholeheartedly (no need to be forced, right?) that God is the Master. When that happens, we become ready to admit that, as a Creator, everything else besides Him is a creature of His and must be submissive to Him subḥānahū wa ta‘ālā.
Upon reaching to this conviction, there’s one last thing we need to clear. That is the thought of whether God needs our consent before executing His will or not.
Does God Need Our Consent?
Anything about God is learnt from God Himself. However, even before we refer to what He says in response to this question, a simple application of common sense tells us that He needs no one’s consent to do or decide anything. He executes His will at his own discretion. And that is that is known as Qaḍā’ and Qadar (Fate and Destiny).
In fact, we are the ones, who need His permission and mercy to undertake anything under the sun.
As much as this article persuasively discussed who God is and why He created us, it hopes to have succeeded in bringing you, the good reader closer to God, regardless of the nature of your past relationship with Him subḥānahū wa ta‘ālā.
If this article has cleared and purified your thoughts about God, kindly do share it with your loved ones. If you have any questions, then feel free to let the discussion continue here, on Facebook. Alternatively, you can drop me an email here.
Allah knows best.
Allāhu Ḥāfiẓ
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